This is the studio of elsie flannagan, of who i am a virtual fan. she has a boutique where she sells things that she has made and she has an inspiring blog that makes me feel like i want to be her. this is it: http://abeautifulmess.typepad.com/my_weblog/
Soon, you will get to see pictures of MY studio! My fantastic friend Benn visited on Friday and cleaned out, primed and painted the back bedroom of my house. I used to night dream in this room, but now i am going to day dream and create. I've never had a home office or studio. well, there was a craft room in my old apartment, but mostly benn and i just hoarded stuff there. I want this to be like a different world once you step in and shut the world out. somewhere i can create and never have to tidy up and make a presentable space. somewhere that my quilt patches can be free and my mystery novel can explode onto paper. somewhere that all my craft materials, books of ideas, knitting projects, sewing creations, etc. can all live together instead of on a bookshelf, in the garage, in the basement, in my sock drawer, in my purse, at my parents house...
These are some other beautiful home studios that i love...

ohhhh cute!