Sunday, February 28, 2010

New Motivation

This blog started out being about getting outside more. Sort of as a push. I think, however, what I need to give myself more generally is motivation. As I get older, it seems harder and harder to maintain my level of enthusiasm about things. Why is this? Partly because I am a perfectionist, partly because I love new projects, partly because the feeling of being "trapped" in a routine makes me feel... well trapped. The irony is that my professional self is extremely motivated, organized and a fantastic "follow-througher". I make a list each day and work hard to complete it. Lately I have been letting the internet, mostly facebook, climb into my work day and steal pieces of it. This needs to stop. It will hurt for a while but I will be a stronger person for it and a more dedicated professional.

I love lists. I make lists for everything. i specifically love creative lists. I think that perhaps I will make a motivation list - a creative motivation - for the content of this blog. Based on days. Let's see....

Home Improvement Mondays
Fitness Tuesdays
Creative Inspiration Wednesdays
Outdoor Adventure Thursdays
Soul Inspiring Fridays
New Endeavour Saturdays
Friendship Love Sundays

Let's see what happens with those titles and if I can push myself to be more motivated. Hmmm today is Sunday - let's get started.

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