Thursday, August 5, 2010

Introducing Beatriz...

I have an alter ego named Beatriz.

And Beatriz is an aspiring writer. Currently Beatriz is writing a series of novels about a Vigilante Heroine named Madeline.

Madeline tells Beatriz the story of how things happen once she decides to do something. She encounters people in her journeys that are sometimes based on people that I know. Because Madeline lives in my mind, she only has access to the parts of these people that I see.

Myself, Beatriz and Madeline are three distinct personalities with distinct personalities, tastes and experiences. Confused, yet?

Anyway, Beatriz thought that you might want to read her new book as she works on it.
This is the first draft - so please be gentle in your criticism. She writes in the style of cheesy detective fiction.

oh, and if you have any ideas for a title - Beatriz would love to hear them. She wants a cheesy style of titling that's still edgy. Like the Stephani Plum novels "One for the Money, Two for the Dough..." or the Kinsey Milhone novels "A is for Alibi, B is for Burglar"...

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